SNH Capacity Building Training

Scottish Natural Heritage logoSNH and the Planning Skills programme delivered three training sessions in April and May 2019 for planning staff in Ayrshire, Clydeplan and the Lothians.

This training was to help to develop the capacity and knowledge base around the following topic areas:

  • Protected Species - including when surveys are needed & the relevant legislation to refer to
  • Planning Applications - looking at when designated sites may be affected
  • Habitat Regulations Appraisals - including assessment of significant impact & appropriate mitigation of impacts
  • Landscape Assessment/Character
  • Biodiversity Duty
  • Green Network Opportunities in Development Management

Biodiversity advice and further information for planners and developers can be found on the Scottish Natural Heritage website.

Slides for presentations given at each of the 3 training sessions can be found below.


Ayrshire - Natural Heritage Overview

Ayrshire - Natura and Habitats Regulations Appraisal

Ayrshire - SNH Roles and Responsibilities


Clydeplan - Natural Heritage Overview

Clydeplan - Natura and Habitats Regulations Appraisal

Clydeplan - SNH Roles and Responsibilities

Clydeplan - European Designated Sites and Development

Clydeplan - Protected Species for Planners

Clydeplan - Protected Species Law, Licensing and Development


Lothians - Habitats Regulations Appraisal

Lothians - Roles and Responsibilities

Lothians - Protected Species