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What is Partners in Planning?

Search in one place to find recent and relevant​

  • Policy information and training relevant to my work or studies​
  • Lead practice and case studies on how others are delivering ​
  • Research on my chosen topic​
  • News, events and webinars coming up ​
  • Event and webinar event outputs and recordings
  • Access active learning sessions to develop team training exercises

Contribute own lead practice, research, events and training opportunities in a consistent concise format

Welcome to Partners In Planning, the online platform to support Scotland’s planners in delivering successful places. Supported by the Partners In Planning Forum, a partnership of key organisations and sectors, it promotes a single access point to the knowledge and skills that enables behavioural change.

It will provide those working with the planning system with one place to search for information, policy, guidance, lead practice, research, news, events and training opportunities and to categorise search result between four main areas: news, events, learn and policy.

Partners in Planning user priorities

As well searching content on this site, the key difference to this platform is that it also links directly to relevant partner organisations' web pages, removing the need to search through many levels of many different sites. A further difference to this resource is that it is also an evolving site with the opportunity for users to submit content that will contribute to skills and learning using the “Submit Content” tab.