The Tools for Making Successful Places

This event reviewed current tools to create more successful places through a series of presentations and interactive sessions.

It featured West Dunbartonshire’s initiative to develop an Urban Design Panel in an area of deprivation. When well designed, place can improve lives and the delivery of services.


Place is identified as a central theme in how the public service improves quality of life.

  • What tools are there for planning to embrace its part in the quality of places?
  • What help is there for planners when they give consent for changes to a place?

summary of presentations and the outputs from the interactive workshops is available. All the presentations from the event are available below.

Key Messages on the Tools to Deliver Successful Places

The Importance of Leadership in Delivering Successful Places

The Importance of Leadership in Delivering Successful Places

The National Context for how Design Contributes to Delivering Successful Development

Urban Design Panels: an Opportunity for a Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Successful Places

The Economic Vitality Opportunity from the Panel. Contributions to and Anticipated Outcomes from the Urban Design Panel

West Dunbartonshire's Ambition Behind the Urban Design Panel

Aspirations for West Dunbartonshire's Urban Design Panel

An Alternative Tool for Managing Development