Place, Place-making and Place-based Approaches

The approaches to place and how they relate to spatial planning past, present and the way ahead. Help for anyone looking to embark on place based collaborative working.

The place principle

The ‘place principle’ was developed collaboratively with a range of organisations to provide a shared context for place-based work. It was signed off by Scottish Government in February 2018 with a commitment to work in close partnership with COSLA to adopt and implement the Principle.

A principle for taking a place-based approach

We recognise that: 

Place is where people, location and resources combine to create a sense of identity and purpose, and are at the heart of addressing the needs and realising the full potential of communities. Places are shaped by the way resources, services and assets are directed and used by the people who live in and invest in them.

A more joined-up, collaborative, and participative approach to services, land and buildings, across all sectors within a place, enables better outcomes for everyone and increased opportunities for people and communities to shape their own lives.

The principle requests that: 

All those responsible for providing services and looking after assets in a place need to work and plan together, and with local communities, to improve the lives of people, support inclusive growth and create more successful places.

We commit to taking: 

A collaborative, place based approach with a shared purpose to support a clear way forward for all services, assets and investments which will maximise the impact of their combined resources.

Link: Place-based Approaches Checklist