Working it out together

Innovative approaches to planning

Renfrewshire PPF Case Study: Local Place Plans & How to Guide


A pilot Place Plan was prepared for Foxbar, an established urban neighbourhood within the town of Paisley over spring 2018.

Who was involved?

Led by Foxbar and Brediland Community Council with support of Renfrewshire Council (Place Making and Community Planning officers), Paisley Housing Association, general public.

What did they do?

Community representatives led on the planning and delivery of the process through a regular steering group. The representatives then had the lead role in the engagement activities with a small officer resource as support. Engagement events were more informal and welcoming. Using the ‘participatory’ approach local residents and stakeholders voted for priority projects at drop in events and through online portals.


The plan identifies nine actions which build on the existing assets of the area, including physical, social and environmental projects. These provide a flexible framework which will guide action by the local community, supported by the Council and its partners, to deliver the vision. The outcomes informed the Proposed Renfrewshire Local Development Plan and emerging LOIP Locality Plan for the area.

The lessons from the process have been used to inform the publication of a Local Place Plan ‘How to’ Guide.

Contribution to planning

With the introduction of Local Place Plans in the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019, this project has successfully demonstrated a new approach to effective partnership between Council, Community Planning Partners and the local community to co-produce plans and outcomes.

For more information

Renfrewshire PPF p.g 22:

Foxbar LPP:

How to guide:

Key themes: collaboration; Local Place Plans; community-led design events