Working it out together

Innovative approaches to planning

Perth and Kinross Planning Performance Framework Case Study: Community Council Workshops programme 2018-19


The Planning & Development Service has for the last 6 years arranged a minimum of 2 events each year for Community Councils to help with their understanding of the planning system.

Who was involved?

General public, Authority Planning staff and other staff, A&DS

What did they do?

The focus for the 2018-19 was a workshop format where officers participated with the Community Council representatives. The theme for 2018-19 was Placemaking. Workshop 1 focused on general principles of placemaking and Design Panels and workshop 2 was based on a practical example of a regeneration masterplan.


The officers have improved relations with the majority of the Community Councils represented over the past few years. The participants now have a greater understanding of the planning system and its limitations.

Contribution to planning

Working collaboratively with Community Councils resulting in them having a greater understanding of the planning system.

For more information:

Planning Performance Framework pg 22:

Key themes: collaborative working, community engagement, placemaking, placestandard, skill sharing