Working it out together

Innovative approaches to planning

Perth and Kinross Planning Performance Framework Case Study: Energy Planning- Leadership and Collaboration


The Scottish Government has set ambitious climate change targets through a range of legislation and proposals. These aim to reduce carbon emissions, transition to a low carbon economy and address issues around fuel poverty. The Energy Efficient Scotland programme requires significant input at the local Council level. Council have current and future responsibilities in: improving energy efficiency of all buildings, decarbonising heat supply, addressing energy efficiency as a driver for fuel poverty and optimising opportunities for district heating.

Who was involved?

The Strategy & Policy Team has taken a lead on these responsibilities.

What did they do?

Over the last number of years they have:

  • Led a programme of internal engagement which raised awareness of the responsibilities relating to climate change.
  • Secured funding for a Climate Change and Low-Carbon Transition Co-ordinator
  • Set up a new internal Climate Change & Low-Carbon Project Board in 2018.
  • Secured match-funding from the Scottish Government and Scottish Cities Alliance to undertake a pilot Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy project in the Perth North area.
  • Continued engagement with a wide range of organisations on low-carbon and energy planning.
  • Assisted the Scottish Government in preparing a National Heat Map.
  • Continuing to develop a Council-wide online mapping platform of the energy landscape.


The Strategy & Policy Team are continuing to take a lead on climate change and low-carbon work for the foreseeable future. They have taken a pro-active and leadership approach to meet the specific duties and responsibilities. Using partnership working they will continue to work with colleagues and external stakeholders to maximise the council’s impact in mitigating against, and adapting to, the effects of climate change.

Contribution to planning

By taking a pro-active and leadership approach to climate change and low-carbon issues it has ensured that specific duties and responsibilities have been met. This has built capacity within the team for partnership working and allowed collaboration with other Council officers as well as other external stakeholders.

For more information:

Planning Performance Framework pg 19:

Perth and Kinross climate change and energy:

Key themes: climate change, environment, collaboration, leadership, energy