Working it out together

Innovative approaches to planning: Cairngorms National Park Authority - Engagement on the Proposed Local Development Plan

Innovative approaches to planning

Cairngorms National Park Authority Planning Performance Framework Case Study: Engagement on the Proposed Local Development Plan


The CNPA Proposed Local Development Plan was in its consultation stage and they wanted to ensure that the consultation material was as easily accessible as possible and reached as many people as possible. Also to target those who don’t usually engage in the process, who to a large extent these groups fall within the 16 and under and working-age cohorts of the population.

Who was involved?

Authority planning staff; Hard to reach groups; local developers; key agencies; planning committee

What did they do?

Extensive use was made of the CNPA’s website and social media accounts. Short video was thought to be the most effective form of social media content as they allow the viewer to easily and quickly digest information. The videos consisted of a brief overview of what the Proposed Plan was and how people could get involved and a series of videos were produced using Google Earth Studio which took the form of a fly-over of all the Proposed Plan’s settlements, as well as shorter Settlement specific videos. The posts were set out via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.


The total reach of the videos was 153,782. The engagement rate increased from 1.5% at the main issues stage to 26% overall during the consultation on the proposed LDP. Instagram was the platform with greatest engagement. The result was consultation responses from a wide range of organisations and private individuals.

Contribution to planning

Use of videos on social media to engage and reach a wider audience.

For more information

CNPA PPF page 20:

Key themes: engagement, consultation, social media,